Friday, August 1, 2014

freedom of the market

Handmade crafts and fresh veggies, two of my favorite things.  The vegetables hand picked from fields in Anchorage or 20 miles out have a color, a vibrance of life that those in the supermarket don't have. Alaska has an energy that is so freeing and inspiring. Every artist I stumbled across had such a different style and technique. From pottery, to water colors, to magnet making. Every vender with a smile on their face and a story to tell.  Community is something that is hard to find these days and being in a place where people don't treat you as a stranger passing through there town but as an equal who wants to tell you of all the great coffee shops and art galleries, its quite wonderful. The people of this world aren't strangers, they aren't peers, they are our friends. No matter where we are in the world, a smile is a smile.

much peace and love

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