Saturday, August 2, 2014


A few days ago my family and I took off for a day trip heading down south the coast of Alaska. What I found was stillness, and peace.  Two towns, Whittier and Girdwood, two different vibes, but both leaving me feeling the same. Free and at home. It was in these towns that I finally had an understanding of what the word home means to me. What I only once associated with a house and a family has now broaden to friends, family, towns, animals, nature and myself.  Home almost has now became more mental then anything else. Living in three states, Virginia/Georgia/Alaska, I've learned to find what comfort lyes there for me. How to find happiness in each place. Leading me to the fact that everywhere is home.

Girdwood is a small town, with the second biggest national forest as its backyard. The restaurants are unique, all of them having a shack, ma and pop, vibe to them. The stores are filled to the brim with local art and hand crafted items like your much need knitted hat for the wet cold days. My favorite store was a thrift store called Thriftwood.  Walking up to it there was a big husky soaking in the sun, a fresh produce stand that was also part of the store and finally the entrance. Walking in silk skirts hang along the wall, a corner with crystals of every color , teas of every flavor, and a shelf or two that played as the towns little head shop, bowls and bubblers of the most most beautifully crafted glass. The next room had more clothes and shoes, books that have been read quite a few times and shelves full of old records. I hope to return to this town, maybe even for a summer job or when I attempt to backpack my way down the southern coast of Alaska.

Simplicity thats the way of life in Alaska. Slow living, where only the position of the sun is the way to tell time. Smiles, are the main form of communication. A balance of nature and concrete. A scent of wildflowers always leaves the air fresh and delicious. It's home now. One that I hope to be able to return to for the rest of my life.

many thanks to this universe for its gifts
much peace and love

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